Day 6 the girls were up early, both of them excited for Beach Day. We got dressed in our matching tie dye, I cut the shirts so you could tie them in the middle with a bow. That's right, it pays to have a seamstress for an Aunt. I made potatoes for breakfast but the girls wanted leftovers, so leftovers it was.
Gigi -queen if packing packed our beach bag and Zoi put lunch together, I supervised lol. Once the dog was dressed away we went! I had to make a small pit stop by the bank to deposit money, where I got to see just how broke I am 😠"Don't cry for me Orange County 🎶" then we headed for Huntington Beach!
I think we got really lucky because I found parking right away, and had enough change in my car to pay for the meter. We walked down to the beach, dog in tow. Some man told me dogs aren't allowed on the beach, well Fitz goes everywhere I go so there.
I would say of all the things we did together the beach was the hardest. First of all their vwaa some sort of surf competition happening. By it also like so many people made me really paranoid about the girls. We picked out spot, Gigi had forgotten to pack va beach blanket or towl to sit on so we were all in the sand. The girls hit the water, and I stayed on land with the dog.Â

We had about an hour, I think the girls had fun. We packed it up and snuck the dog off the beach leaving none the wiser.Â
I had wanted to go home from the beach, but we hit traffic and had to go straight to the shop. It was their last day as working woman. We'd also forgotten the dogs bag so the girls sat in the back with him and called/ answered phones from there.
After cleaning up I tipped them out, then we went to Jamba Juice. Gigi offered to buy us all a Jamba, but I told her to just get her own. Zoi got her own as well. Then to Walmart, the girls and I had decided on Burgers and french fries for dinner! At the store they also wanted cookies so I bought cookie dough.
At home I cleaned the kitchen, for the second time, and got to cooking. The girls put America's Next Top Model on. The burgers came out perfect! And the fries too, we all are way too much leaving no room for cookies... But then I made the anyways and we each had one, because we are all cookie lovers. I did burn the last batch because I forgot to put the timer on, but the rest were excellent.
After cookies we were beyond tired 😴 so we hit the sack, another day down.