Boy did I have a weekend with my friends group! Since we had two March Birthdays I suggested renting a cabin and us all getting away for a bit. Everybody was on board so we all spent three days out in the woods, service was suuuper spotty so we really had to learn to enjoy each other and stay off our phones.
Day 1: the first day actually started for me the night before. Have you ever played Red Dragon Inn? It's a game I very much enjoy and wanted to bring it for our weekend. Only downside it's a 4 player and their were 6 of us going. I ended up staying up till 5am creating my own characters and cards so that we could all play the game. I used D&dbeyond to make two new character sheets, then a very nice internet nerd had broken down all the types of cards that exist within the game in a nice spread sheet format. I used that to create all the cards for the new characters and sent them all to staples to be printed. When I woke up Friday I was dead tired but feeling pretty accomplished.
I went to Staples to pickup my cards then met up with friends at Grocery Outlet to do all our shopping. I had planned to make a list but got distracted by making cards, which took MUCH longer than I had realized. So we winged it at the grocery store. My one friend had stated multiple times that he only eats "Massive amounts of food" so we bought a lot of food, I wanted to make sure their would be enough. After the store we returned to my house to load me up and head off to the cabin ( the rest of our party would join us later) I was partially packed after all I had just gone away the weekend before. So I finished throwing stuff together, we loaded my things in and off we went.
It was a nice drive, we chatted up the mountain and I cut my cards out for the game. We stopped off in Nevada City for lunch at a cute little pub. Called Chief Crazy Horse Inn.
I wish we could have gone inside just because I wanted to look at the décor. But they had a spot for us in the outdoor seating so we ate outside inside. And it was such a lovely day we didn't mind one bit. I ordered a party melt with tater tots on the side. Everything was delicious even if they used sourdough instead of rye bread, I let it slide because the thousand island dressing was good and probably made fresh.
We then followed the GPS to what was supposed to be the way to our cabin. But was no way I had ever gone. We ended up on some little dirt road covered in snow, I confess I was panicking. I didn't like the narrow snow covered steep road. And was trying very hard to trust the driver and stay off an anxiety attack. He eventually decided the road was to difficult for his vehicle and we turned around taking the freeway and the route I am familiar with. Crisis averted.
We pulled up to the campgrounds, checked in and went over to our home away from home.
The cabin was small but perfect, full kitchen, half bath (shower included) a table, full bed, pull out bed and bunks. I claimed the top bunk because I like to sleep high. We also had the best view, our cabin overlooking the lake and gazebo, which was all lit up at night, the whole thing was so nice I have no complaints. If you don't have a membership to Harmony Ridge Resort I highly recommend it. They have some of the best campground facilities and I ought to know, I did tour America last summer.
The three of us settled in I pulled out my book from last weekend, Dr. Thorne with the hopes of getting through it. My other two friends had never been there before so they went off and explored the grounds, and amenities. I ended up dozing off for a bit but then got up around 7pm to start dinner, the rest of our party should be arriving soon and I wanted to make sure the food was ready. I had brought with me tamales and beans that just needed to be reheated so all I had to do was make the rice. After the other half of our group arrived I added a fried egg and tortillas to their plates alongside the rice, beans and tamales. We all ate laughed, did dishes and, played games. Board games to be specific, the birthday boy had brought a bunch of games and we were going to get through as many as possible.
Catch Phrase: The grab it, guess it, pass it game that's basically a guessing game combined with Hot Potato. I had played this before I think its a really fun game I highly recommend. I was a little slow getting started but our teams were neck and neck so I must not have been too terrible though I was definitely our teams weak link. This particular Catch Phrase had been the birthday boys childhood game and managed to survive a fire, sometimes the words were a bit difficult to read as there was a line going through the center of them which just added to the level of difficultly.
Pun Intended: A game for pun loving people where each team has a time limit to guess 6 puns that all start with the same letter. I myself am not very good at puns, so even though I enjoyed playing this with my friends it is not something I see myself picking up. Although I can think of a few friends who would enjoy this game as a gift.
Poetry for Neanderthals: Yet another guessing game, this one requires you using single syllable descriptive words or getting hit with the No No stick and having your points stolen by the other team. This was not my favorite game of the evening but it was fun to play with friends. The birthday boy was ridiculously good at it as well, unfortunately my brain doesn't work that way so once again I was the weak link.
Disturbed Friends: This is an adult game designed to help you find out how disturbed your friends are. Its set up like a Would you Rather where it gives a scenario and reactions, and you vote on which reaction your friend would pick. We had so much fun with this one we played it twice and laughed a lot lol. A major winner in my book.
Telestrations After Dark: Telestrations is the drawing version of the telephone game, you're given a phrase to draw, then the next person has to figure it out and write it down, and the next draw so on and so forth. In the end everyone looks at the drawings and guesses and we all have a good laugh. The after dark version is adult themed, its much harder than the original and twice as funny. I had a great time with this one!
Red Dragon Inn: You play morally grey adventurers celebrating their campaigns success in a tavern drinking and gambling. Its a last man standing game with the goal being to get all your companions drunk and off to bed, or broke and kicked out of the tavern. I personally love this game, but my sister didn't like being the first one out and didn't want to play another round.
After all the games we were well into the early hours of the next day, so everyone went to sleep as morning wasn't far off.
What did I where? Well we were supposed to wear our Who Shuffled Those Cards? Matching Game night T-Shirts (available for purchase in my shop) but only two of us remembered to wear them. I was one of them, I wore my t-shirt and paired it with some purple trousers. It was a really cute look in my opinion, I had initially wore some black ankle boots but traded them for my white snow boots once we arrived. Though it wasn't snowing the ground was covered in snow so I wanted to wear the appropriate boots.

I'm pretending to be sad about the T-shirts lol. Anyways that's it for today, come back tomorrow for part 2!