Day 1: Boarding
Thanks to such an early flight out of Sacramento checking in and TSA were a breeze! Is it just me, or did COVID-19 actually make my flight experience better? What I mean is the staying 6ft apart rule is super convenient at the airport, instead of being packed in like cattle I actually had space. Space in line, space in the waiting area, and space on the plane!

What's my travel day attire? I opted for this vintage yellow dress I bought off one of my favorite IG sellers! One sleeve had a run so I had to remove a portion, to prevent the run from continuing. Thankfully the other was fine, which meant I was able to make matching mask out of it. Sometimes you just get lucky 😆
Every worker at the airport complemented me on my outfit, including our pilot, so this is officially my travel dress from here on out!
My first flight was only an hour dropping me off in Salt Lake City Utah! Funny it wasn't too long ago I drove through here on my way to Georgia, and here I am again!
There's not much to see in an airport, but I took some pictures for you anyways.
My next flight to Atlanta was the longest of the trip. There was some turbulence twords the end but nothing I couldn't handle. Because it was a longer flight, and I'd already taken my nap, I decided to take advantage of the in flight movie and watched Knives Out.

For those of you who don't know, I'm always up for a good Who Done It! This one was very enjoyable, even though I suspected the murder. The plot? A wealthy murder mystery writer was found with a slit throat, apparent suicide, and famous detective is then called in to investigate. Oh there was also a party the night of the death and it's slowly revealed that everyone has a motive for murder. For a movie that used every classic trope in the book, it's done so well you don't mind at all.
The movie finished and I still had about and hour left in air. I watched a few episodes of friends and then our landing.
I had to go down the stairs walk far, up the stairs walk far, and made it to my gate just in time to board.
There was also this really pretty area I had to go through. I nearly face planted stepping on to the moving walkway 😅
As soon as I took my seat I closed my eyes, ready for nap #2. I put on The Jungle Book audio book so I could listen to something while I slept.
This was a very TURBULENT flight, lurching every which way. So uncomfortable, it was tough to sleep.
arrived safely, and was picked up by my family, the kids were surprised to see me and we chatted the whole way to the hotel. Since everyone was hungry we dropped off our stuff and went to check out a nerby Asian Fusion Restaurant.
I arrived safely and was picked up by my family from the airport. The kids were surprised as we didn't tell them I'd also be coming. We chatted on the way to the hotel.

We checked in, and decided since everyone was hungry to unload and eat before looking round the place. We dropped off our things, then went to a nearby Asian Fusion Restaurant.
All the food was delicious and we ate all of it! I don't know what the name of that place was but Highly recommend.
Back to our hotel we finally had a look around and unpacked.
My Brother booked us a really nice place, HUGE! Complete with a patio and Hot Tub.
The kids and I put on our suits and got in. It was the perfect ending to a long travel day. And tomorrow... Disney World!