I wanted to title this one Walking in Memphis, but Graceland was closed due to Covid. Bummer ☹️ I know, instead we had breakfast at our KOA which was nice, and we met Elvis.
The food was excellent, which is surprising considering the itty bitty kitchen, and the staff Super friendly. This was the best KOA so far putting Wendover in the second.
As you can see today I wore my favorite high waisted black jeans, and a mustard colored cropped blouse, that has become a new favorite of mine, paired with black canvas shoes. Since Graceland was off the table we packed up and headed on our way.
We finished listening to Lost in Alaska, and put some oldies on instead. It was fun to listen to the classics and watch the beautiful scenery.
We finally arrived to our destination in Oklahoma, I'm sorry to have so little to say but it was just a traveling day.
Our friends home in Oklahoma was so beautiful! I especially love the view of the pastures, and the cows. Fun fact, I really like cows, I think they are so cute 😍
We had an amazing dinner of enchiladas, rice, chips, nacho sauce, I can't remember it all there was so much.
Of course my phone was dead but our hosts took pictures. I went up to make my bed and passed out! Didn't realize how tired I was, but we went straight to Clairemore OK, from Memphis AK only making stops for gas.