Talk about pali pali, 7am checkout arrived, I'd packed all my bags the night before so I would be ready to go. Downstairs I returned my key and got on the bus for Unseo Station.
The bus just drops you off, leaving you to navigate the rest. I went to the window to get my T-Money card (a train/bus pass rolled into one.) But they don't sell them there. The man working (a very tall man, at least 6'5") pointed me to a convenience where I could purchase one.
I purchased the card, but you have to put money on them and the machines only take cash, and I currently only had American money. A nice employee pointed the ATM out to me. After much delay I was finally able to catch a train.
I hopped what I hoped was the correct train to Gongdeok, every stop the train made, more people got on then got off. We were squished like sardines, it was very overwhelming. I was afraid I might have an anxiety attack. Right before my exit just about the entire train emptied, I could finally breath again.
I made it to Gongdeok and could switch trains. But my card had stopped working, I had to ask for assistance. This employee did not speak English, but used a translator app, she helped me to get to my next train leading to Noksapyeong.
This train wasn't nearly as crowded, I made it to Noksapyeong without a hitch and continued on my way.

I made a wrong turn, after having walked for what felt like FOREVER I realized I was lost. Standing on a corner near a convenience a kind stranger (who spoke English) helped me out. I told him what I was looking for and he told me I had walked in the wrong direction, I needed to go back the way I came and look for the Itaewon Elementary school. But not before taking a snap shot of this Anne of Green Gables place, don't know what it is, but I'd like to go back when it's open and check it out.
I found my way on to the correct path but needed to stop for a break, I'd already done a ton of walking. Some man from Monaco sat beside me, started asking me questions, and trying to get me to go to his house. I told him that I was staying at a friend's who was waiting for me. He was very insistant so I got up and went on my way, purposely in the wrong direction again (I didn't want him to know where I was going). When he was finally gone, and I'd gone aways, I was able to back track.
I followed the signs to the Itaewon Elementary school, found my way to the ramp I was to take, and ultimately made it to my house. Where I ate ramen noodles, did some unpacking, and took a nap, completely exhausted.
Dinner at Gooseoul an underground shopping mall. It was basically a Korean meatloaf with a type of BBQ sauce, and the pasta was like an alfredo but not quite.
Walking through Itaewon on my way home I stumbled on what I thought was a tea shop. It was actually a bar that also served tea and dessert, so I had a cup of tea. I returned home and went right to sleep, exhausted from the day.
What Did I Wear?
For Traveling I wore a purple Champion windbreaker purchased on Mercari and my Kankan jeans from Buckle. I wore the white frames from voogueme and my white hiking boots from Amazon.
For Dinner, I swapped the windbreaker for a black tube top that I put a black vintage sweater over.