Hey Guys!!!! I literally only took 4 pictures so this is going to be a short one!
Day 6: I got up early so I could do my hair, get dressed, and finish packing. What did I wear? Today I opted for a little black dress ( I like to travel in dresses) which I paired with my white boots, a white sweater that had a fur collar, and my cat eye Zeelool frames! I know our time at Disney was done but the whole look was very Cruella DeVille, and we all know I go bounding as her daily. My sister was kind enough to make breakfast, and soon we were loading up the van and taking off to the airport.
What I noticed about the Orlando TSA is there were no social distancing markers, they just kinda packed you in trying to get through everyone. I passed inspection and made my way to the Gate. I didn't have to wait long to board and got a window seat this time. It was only an hour flight to Atlanta but I slept the whole way. I dunno why I always sleep through that first flight!
Plane pulled in and lucky for me my new gate wasn't on the other side of the airport, as I walked they were just starting to board. I got my seat and started searching the catalog for an in-flight movie. This one would be a two hour flight to Minneapolis, they didn't have much to spark my interest so I eventually settled on The Lighthouse.

I read somewhere that this was a movie to see, first let me warn you initially after watching this movie I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I finally settled on not but I would still like to break it down for you. The movie takes place on an island off shore, the Lighthouse keeper is in need of a new assistant who is played by Robert Pattinson.
What I Liked:
The whole movie is shot in black and white which sets the mood of the thriller.
The use of lighting and camera angles is very good
The pace of the movie, the story slowly unfolds as you would expect in suspense/ thriller
The movie is told from Robert Pattinson's perspective and even though it has a definitive end he hallucinates in the movie so your not sure how much is real and how much was imagined.
All of the acting was very well done.
What I did not Like:
Willem Dafoe's character was abusive and manipulative, and as Dafoe is an incredible actor he does it so well many times it was hard to watch, so much so that at times I had to fast forward those scenes.
The mermaid sex scene made me a little uncomfortable although I do understand it's purpose in the film.
As you can see that my problem with the film was not that it wasn't done well, but that it was done too well. I would recommend it to anyone who likes psychological thrillers but warn that it could trigger some people who've experience extreme abuse.
Well then I landed in Minneapolis/ St. Paul and had to make my way alllll the way to the other side of the airport, to a part where all the shops were closed. I had a little time so I played on my phone while I waited for my plane to arrive. It pulled up and I was flying once more. This time it was a three hour flight to Sacramento. Honestly after that last film I'd lost my adventure, so I watched Duck Tales and Friends, shows where I didn't have to think because I knew what was going to happen.
Landed in Sac and was picked up by my mom and sister. I gave my sister the present I had picked up for her at Disney before we headed home. I was greeted by my dog and father , my mother had some food for me, which I graciously ate while sharing my adventures, then we all went to bed.
The End!