Okay so I don't know if you guys have heard about UniqueVintage or not? It's a clothing brand I recently found out about online only shop (kinda like mine) who make vintage style clothes (also like me) they recently came out with an Iconic Barbie line, where they made life size dresses of some of Barbie's most famous outfits.
I'm not going to say that I wanted to copy them, because I don't I very much love what I'm doing the way that I'm doing it. But when I came across this Barbie Flower Wower Dress on Pinterest I knew it was the perfect inspiration for this weeks fabric! Also I've been on a 70's kick (you may have noticed from my Mama Mia! post which was also 70's themed.)

So what was I working with this week? We have this pale orange and white 100% Cotton fabric, kinda reminds me of an Orange Creamsicle the pattern is wavy no flowers but the color screams I want to be a 70's Dress! I measured it out at 1 3/8, yikes not a lot to work with unfortunately.
Biggest problem 1 3/8 of 45 width cotton, I really needed like 2 1/2 to make my vision come to life but part of this sewing challenge is just using what you have on hand. And sew I did I used all of it!
I did have to draft this pattern because I knew I wasn't gonna find it in store. It's got a loose fitting empire bodice, I had to line that part with a plain white cotton because all of the Orange needed to go into the dress. I originally planned to do a facing instead of a lining, but was to lazy to draft a facing, besides the partial lining works just as well if not better lol.
The sleeves came next if you look at the doll you'll notice they are in between a 3/4 and long sleeve. That actually worked out perfect for me because I had so little yardage to work with. They didn't come out as wide as the doll but I still really like them.
The last thing was the gathered skirt which was easy enough to draft but I didn't have enough fabric to make it work! Well the first draft didn't anyways.
I had to cut 5 INCHES off the hem line to make all the pieces fit. Which makes this Mini Dress almost a shirt, it's still long enough to wear out on its own, but the flair had me nervous. I know you guys have probably figured out by now I have no shame, and am willing to wear whatever, I also love my body, it not perfect but its mine and I have no problem sharing it with the world.
That said I wanted to be able to roll around in the grass without flashing my booty at the world. As my as I love my body, these pictures should be about the clothes right? It's a sewing blog after all lol.
The rest of the white cotton I had used to line the bodice I turned into some hot pants to go underneath it. I'm really glad I did not just so I wouldn't flash you all but because they turned out really cute and I feel add to the authenticity of the garment.
This was a really fun one to wear, the only thing I would change if I could is to have been wearing Green heels instead of my white boots. But I don't own green heels so white boots it was lol.
Well that's it for today, feel free to browse my shop and follow me on Instagram MadsenCreations and Facebook Madsen Creations by Rachel Madsen for daily content, behind the scenes stuff!
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