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Hollywood Studios

Writer's picture: Rachel MadsenRachel Madsen

Day 3: Disney Hollywood Studios

Today we were in a rush to get out because everyone was moving a lot slower. After a day of travel, and a day at the park I was super sore all over 😕

Plus the humidity has been a real battle for me. How do people do bangs out here!!!? Seriously missing my straightener.

Had to be quick with the picture because it was time to go to the park. So I didn't get a very good snapshot of today's bounding outfit.

This was the last outfit I put together before the trip. I happened to be at Ross looking for a hat and stumbled across these Yellow linen pants, and knew I had to have them! They made me think of Jane from Tarzan, and get this were only 4.99!!!

I paired them with this white button up blouse I've had since the 7th grade. It's the only piece of clothing I have from the short stint I did at a uniformed school. Not sure what that says about me but hey, came in handy!

For shoes I went with these white boots I bought from Wish that I also wore with my yellow dress on the plane ride here. I also wore my white frames from Voogueme and put my hair in a bun. The bun was a real struggle because my hair was all frizzy and be weird and I didn't bring hairspray as it wouldn't fit in my carry on 😡

Okay, so sorry but today we were all over the place. So if I bounce around too much and you be struggle I apologise.

First thing we arrived at the park and tried to make reservations for Rise of the Resistance but it was already full. We then made our way to Star Tours as it had the shortest wait time, crazy huh?!

So we signed up for a really relaxing cruise around Endor, but some sneaky rebel stowed away on our ship which lead to a high speed chase, and some resistance shenanigans. We were returned in one piece but I may possibly be wanted by the Empire now 🤷

We decided to get out of their before Stormtroopers showed up to interigate us and we were disappeared 😳 We slipped into the Muppets Theater with a crowd just in time for the show.

I mean it was fun, but I would have preferred it to me more like how I remember it, you know with more singing and stuff.

The next stop was Toystoryland, where we hit up two rides. The first was the Soaring Saucers which surprised me. I thought they were going to be like the tea cups, but actually it just whips you side to side which was super fun as I didn't expect it. Afterwards we went on the Slinky Dog Rollercoaster. I am not a rollercoaster girl by nature. This one was pretty boarderline for me but I survived.

Lunch Time! We picked some tables at a closed restaurant which turned out to be the best spot. It was right on the parade route ( currently Disney isn't advertising it's parade times or routes and prevent crowds from forming. We got some good pictures in. And then we went Shopping!

The next ride was Mickey's Runaway Train. You know me and trains 😁 This ride had the longest wait times at a whopping 90mins. But was really fun, basically Goofy is driving the train which breaks off and you have a little runaway adventure.

My niece then wanted to do the Towers if Terror which still exists out here in Florida. I refused as Towers of Terror is the one ride you couldn't pay me to get on. My nephew went with her instead, I waited in the air conditioned gift shop / hotel lobby for them.

So the Cars ride at California Adventure is like the coolest ride ever made. The Cars ride at Hollywood Studios is just watching Lightening McQueen talk and whatever 🙄 It's alright.

After Cars my sister did the Rockin Rollercoaster with the older kids. Baby was to small for this one so I sat it out. I bought a slushie for baby and I to share while we waited. They joined us after the ride and also bought a drink, so we all had a nice break.

We hadn't been to Galaxies Edge yet and decided to go that way by route of Toystoryland, to hit up the one ride we'd missed on our way. Oh and my sister had to stop for a moment to kiss a fish for luck.

Toy Story Mania! It's just like the Buzz shooting game we did yesterday, only with a carnival shooting gallery theme. Of course it was Super fun, and my niece said she prefers it over the Buzz Lightyear Game!

Galaxies Edge: That first moment is almost breathtaking. Star Wars is such a Big and Important movie from my childhood stepping into that world it really is amazing. The line for Smugglers run was really long, so we checked in our fast pass, which gave us about an hour to explore.

I was a little disappointed as I walked about that there isn't really much to do here. The atmosphere of course is amazing but the flee market has a tiny corner shop, and that's about it. It's got two different restaurants, and two rides, one of which has a virtual queue which we couldn't get into. I do wish it was set up like a normal ride that you could wait in real line for, maybe we probably could have got on it then. Especially since the Disney Experience App kept crashing that day. Anyways most of these lands have at least 3 rides, except for Galaxies Edge.

We left Galaxies Edge to ride Star Tours while waiting for our time. I know what you're wondering, did they get infiltrated by another rebel spy? Yes we did, what are the odds both of you're were disrupted by rebels. Only this time instead of being returned to our original dock, and slipping out under the Empires nose, we found ourselves stranded on a Coruscant rebel base. Now labeled as rebels we had to book passage home via a Smugglers ship ( aka Smugglers Run).

As you can see our accomodations were not up to my usual standard 😜 Anyways in exchange for travel we had to assist in a short run to pick up some goods and deliver them, we faced some pretty heavy fire, but were able to complete our mission, and return home.

And home was exactly where we wanted to be about this time. But we were stopped and interrogated by Kylo Ren.

Not sure if he let us go because he knew we were innocent, or if he wants us to lead him to a bigger fish.

Either way we left bybway of Toystoryland to hit up the Flying Saucers one last time on our way out of the park.

Post Hollywood Studios, all of us tired and sweaty. Back at the hotel we all took showers and ate pizza. My niece and I watched tiktok videos until we fell asleep from exhaustion.

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