Hi Friends! It's been awhile since my last post, but I'm on a whole New travel adventure and I'm bringing you with me! It's our Sweet Sixteen Reno Getaway! My beautiful niece just had a birthday, so obviously we had to do something big. Since most of California is shut down still, we took a hop skip and jump across the boarder into Nevada.
I don't have any pictures of the drive because I was the driver and that wouldn't have been very safe lol. The drive itself was beautiful the 80 is really pretty right now, winding through the wooded mountainsides all covered with snow. Unfortunately our normally two hour drive was extended to 4 hours thanks to several accidents on the road. Fortunately for us I am well accustomed to such things having commuted for two years from Anaheim to Carlsbad.
There was a scary moment when a semi truck pulled to the side of the road, and the cars went around but had to come slightly into our lane to do it. I couldn't stop and wait for them thanks to the car behind me riding my butt. But managed bro slow down and go slightly to the right avoiding a collision. Thank goodness I used to drive some of the scariest freeways in america on the regular. Nothing trains you for keeping your head quite like it.
Despite all this we managed to make it to our Hotel in one piece. Checking in, then off to find food as we were all famished by now. Mcdonald's is right next to our Hotel so we stopped off there first for my niece and I. Then across the street to Starbucks for all of us, and to Sprouts for my sister. Then finally to our room which is adorable. We watched Scary movies, Friends, and Tik Tok videos until eventually we all fell asleep.

What am I wearing?! Since it was going to be cold I opted for those the dye skinny jeans we did this summer, paired with a mustard yellow sweater I got from Bargain World. Over it I wore my leopard sherpa jacket I got for Christmas. I also went withy white waterproof boots I purchased from Amazon and these beautiful white frames from my sponsors over at Voogueme.com
With day one concluded we'll see y'all tomorrow!
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